Data Shaping Operations
  • 09 Aug 2023
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Data Shaping Operations

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Article summary

In addition, the Field List can help you add calculated fields to data columns for performing various calculations in a report. Calculated fields allow you to pre-process a report's input data, based on a certain expression. So, using calculated fields allows you to apply complex expressions to one or more data fields that are obtained from your report's underlying data source.

Select Add Calculated Field and this will create the calculated field.

Right-click the calculated field in the Field List and select Edit Expression. 

In the invoked Expression Editor, construct the required expression. You can use data fields, report parameters, predefined constants as well as various date-time, logical, math and string functions.

The report's Calculated Fields property provides access to the calculated field collection.

You can click the Add Calculated Field button in the Toolbar's Home tab to invoke the Calculated Field Collection Editor.

You can drag the calculated field from the Field List onto the required band like an ordinary data field.

Property Grid Tabs

The Property Grid allows you to access and customize report/report element settings such as the text font and size.

Categorized and Alphabetical Modes

You can switch between categorized and alphabetical modes.

In the categorized mode, properties are listed in a tree-like form and the properties are displayed in alphabetical order.

In the alphabetical mode, all properties are displayed in a single list and are sorted alphabetically by name.

Favorite Properties

The Favorites tab displays favorite or most frequently used properties.

Click the Edit Favorite Property List context menu item to set up the favorite properties. Enable check boxes for the controls' properties in the invoked Favorite Properties Editor to include these properties in the favorite list.

Click in the checkbox for each of your chosen favourite properties and then click OK.

Search Properties

The Property Grid's search box allows you to search for a property. When you type within the search box, the Property Grid automatically creates a search criteria based on the entered text and filters the list of available properties.

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