Mail Settings
  • 15 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Mail Settings

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Article summary

You can access the SMTP settings from Global Settings

In the Mail Settings screen, you can set up SMTP to send emails to users within the system, such as emails that will specify a user will need to verify their account.

When you first open Avontus Site, this section will be blank. An admin user will need to complete this section with their SMTP settings.

Below is an example of an SMTP server set up on Avontus Site.

Suppress Sending Emails

Enable this to enable or disable the sending of emails. Leaving this unticked will enable the sending of emails.

SMTP server 

This is the SMTP server. Enter your SMTP server details here. These are available from your provider.

Encryption protocol - Select the type of Encryption protocol. Choose from:

  • None
  • Ssl - Secure Sockets Layer
  • Tls - Transport Layer Security

Port number

Enter the Port number. This will be available from your SMTP provider.

Username & Password

Enter your username and password for your SMTP server.

Show as sent from this email address

Any emails sent out will be shown as being sent from this email address.

Show as sent from this name 

Any emails sent out will be shown as being sent from an email address with this name.

Test Email Settings

This section allows you to send a test email to check if your SMTP settings are correct. Enter your email and click Send Test Email.

The recipient will get a test email that looks like the below image.

Note: If you are using Office 365 you can find all details, such as SMTP server and Port Number, on their website.

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