Preparing a Drawing for Real World Augmented Reality
  • 11 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Preparing a Drawing for Real World Augmented Reality

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Article summary

Once you have finished a drawing, you can place an AR Base Point onto it. This point corresponds to the location at which an AR Target will be placed on the actual job site. This (plus the AR Target) enables Avontus Viewer to accurately superimpose the Augmented Reality version of the Scaffold over the actual, physical structure.

To prepare a drawing for real world Augmented Reality:

  1. Open the appropriate Scaffold Designer drawing. 
  2. Click the AR Base Point drawing object and drag it to the location on the drawing that corresponds to the location at which you will place the AR Target.
    For example, you could place the Base Point directly on one leg of a Scaffold.
  3. Save the drawing, then upload it to Avontus Viewer. (For those procedures, refer to Uploading a Avontus Viewer Model.)

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