Recording and Publishing your video
  • 01 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Recording and Publishing your video

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Article summary

To record your video

  1. Click YouTube Video in the top-right and select either Record Video (1080p) or Record Video (720p).
  2. Position the viewer in the optimal position to begin the tour.
  3. When satisfied, on the keyboard, press TAB.

    A countdown will begin.
  4. Record the video and when finished, on the keyboard, tap TAB to stop the recording.

    You will be given a chance to preview your video before publishing.
  5. Enter the Name and the Description of your video. This will be the name of the video on YouTube.
  6. Click Publish to YouTube
    Avontus Viewer will then begin the process of publishing the video.

    When complete, Avontus Viewer will ask whether you wish to view the video on the browser.

    Select Yes to view the video on YouTube and you will be taken to the video on YouTube.

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