Using the Showing Filter
  • 22 Jul 2024
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Using the Showing Filter

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Article summary

Many of Quantify's tabs have a dropdown called the Showing filter. This dropdown enables you to select a filter that determines what information Quantify presents in the table below.  The expanded Showing filter dropdown displays a check next to each selected criteria. When not expanded, it displays the word Showing and the selected filter(s). 

To use the Showing filter:

Click the Showing dropdown and select the criteria by which you want Quantify to display the information in the table.

Once the criteria is chosen, Quantify will filter the information in the table below based on the chosen criteria.

You can also find the filter on the screens like the New Reservation screen. Here you can select to show Products or Consumables at a specific site or on the Shipment (or show all Products/Consumables).

In the Products tab, you can filter a Request to limit the non-stocked parts at a location.

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