Viewing the Product Catalog
  • 31 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Viewing the Product Catalog

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Article summary

The procedures below show you how to access the Product Catalog and view only those products you want to view.

Launching the Product Catalog

Quantify enables you to quickly access and view all available products, in the Product Catalog.

To view the Product Catalog, click Product Catalog button. 

The Product Catalog appears.

Filtering the List of Products

The Filter Options button enables you to quickly filter the list of products in the Product Catalog to best suit your needs.

To filter the list of products:

  1. Access the Product Catalog.
    The Product Catalog appears.
  2. Click the Filter Options button ().

    The Filter Options dialog appears.
  3. To filter by items in the Part Number column, click the Part Number checkbox.
  4. To filter by items in the Description column, click the Description checkbox.
  5. Click the appropriate radio button:
    Text to filter is contained anywhere in the field
    Quantify will filter by any text in the fields in the selected column(s).
    The field starts with the text in the filter
    Quantify will filter by text in the beginning of the fields in the selected column(s).
  6. Click OK.

    The Product Catalog returns.
  7. Click in the Filter text field and enter the text you want to filter with.

Quantify filters the items in the grid based on what you entered and the configuration settings in the Filter Options dialog.

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