Avontus Designer Help Videos
  • 14 Feb 2025
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Avontus Designer Help Videos

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Article summary

Welcome to the Avontus Designer Help Videos section. Here you will find how-to videos that cover some of the most common features of Avontus Designer. Check back later to find new videos and updates



01. Introduction to Scaffold Designer

Introduction to the Scaffold Designer opening screen, the menus within it, and what each feature is for.

02. Workspace Overview

Overview of the Scaffold Designer workspace, what each tab is for, along with an introduction to all the commands contained with them.

03. How to Draw Walls

How to position and create walls, using the Wall feature within the Scaffold Designer Stencil.

04. Placing and Editing Bays

How to place a bay within Scaffold Designer, placing it in a specific position, changing the bay size, adding multiple levels, and the different ways to edit it, along with how to copy and create multiple bays.

05. Corner Bays

How to add corner bays, and the use, and editing of Connector Bays to create triangular corners.

06. Hop-ups and Side Brackets

How to add, and use hop-ups and side brackets within Scaffold Designer.

07. Adding and Editing Ladders

Placing Ladders, including adding vertical ladders, inclined ladders and different access decks.

08. Adding Stairs

How to add stairs, including 10-leg and 4-leg stairs.

09. Bill of Materials

Opening the Bill of Materials, modifying the quantities, looking at the export options, adding extra parts, printing, and adding it to a drawing.

10. Drawing Features

How to add extra drawing sheets into a project. Creating elevations and sections, adding dimensions, and creating 3D views for placement on a drawing sheet.

11. Avontus Viewer

How to Launch Scaffold Viewer from Scaffold Designer, and use it to view a model.

12. Page Set Up

Overview of setting up a page within Scaffold Designer, incorporating, selecting the Printer page size, Drawing size and Scale. Also how to rescale a drawing to fit on a page.

13. Side Settings

How to use Side Settings to edit scaffold bays.

14. Bay Details

Using Bay Details to edit a Scaffold Bay

15. Bay Level Editor

How to use the Bay Level Editor to edit the individual levels of a Scaffold Bay

16. Beam and Ply Deck

How to Add a Beam and Ply deck.

17. Cantilever Stair Landings

How to add Cantilever Stair landings onto a staircase.

18. Building Objects

How to group multiple objects to create a single Building object with its own part number, which can be saved to a stencil and used in future designs.

19. Workspace

How to customize your screen layout within Avontus Designer using Workspaces.

20. Importing 3D Models

How to use the Import 3D feature within Avontus Designer for importing 3D objects and CAD files, creating 2D drawings for the plan view, and positioning them within a drawing.

Additional Help Videos



Creating Tube and Fitting Handrails on a Wall with Band and Plate

In this video, we guide you through creating tube and fitting (tube & clamp or tube & coupler) handrails connected to the side of a wall on band and plate.

How to Create a Birdcage

In this video, we demonstrate how to create a birdcage in Avontus Designer and what to consider when starting your project.

Creating a Beam Section for Your Scaffold

In this video, we demonstrate how to create a section of beams for your scaffolding, bridging two bays together using system materials.

Creating a Buttress Step by Step

In this video, we will show you step by step how to create a scaffold buttress within Avontus Designer. In cases where structural ties are unavailable for installation, it becomes necessary to install a buttress to ensure the stability of the scaffold. Being able to demonstrate this within your design is essential.

Lifting a Tower into Position and Connecting It to Steel Girders

In this video, we demonstrate how to easily lift a tower into position and connect it to steel girders. We also guide you on the best practices for assigning parts to specific building objects to successfully complete your design.

Combining parts within your Material Master in Avontus Designer

In this video, we will show you how to combine parts within your Material Master, which will include them in the bill of materials when used at any time.

How to Rotate your Scaffold Bay

In this video, we provide step-by-step instructions for Avontus Designer on how to rotate your scaffolding bays and change your rotation point.

Creating a Ramp Using System Scaffolding Combined with Building Objects

Using a combination of system scaffolding and building objects, this video shows you how to create a ramp to provide access for pedestrians, vehicles, and wheelchair users.

Creating a Board Section on Beams

In this video, we build on last week's video by providing step-by-step instructions for Avontus Designer on how to create a board section, lift it into place for your beams, and key considerations to keep in mind during the process.

Lifting a Tower into Position and Connecting It to Steel Girders

In this video, we demonstrate how to easily lift a tower into position and connect it to steel girders. We also guide you on the best practices for assigning parts to specific building objects to successfully complete your design.

Altering your Title Block

In this video, we guide you through the process of customizing your title block for your drawing page in Avontus Designer. This will eliminate the need to resize your logo or modify information each time you open your drawing page.

Creating Plywood Sheets for Your Scaffolding Using Building Objects

In this video, we demonstrate how to create plywood sheets (plyboard) for your scaffolding designs using building objects in Avontus Designer. We show you how to create the required boards for your platform, which will cover your steel pans. We also reference the parts within the bill of materials to accurately calculate how many sheets you will need

How to Add Logos and Images to your Drawing Page

In this video, we demonstrate how to easily insert your logo or other images such as terms & conditions onto your drawing page in Avontus Designer and save them for future use.

Creating a Section of Handrail

This video shows you how to create a section of handrails for your scaffold.

Working with Boards around columns

In this week's video, we show you step-by-step how to create separate boards for all types of scaffolding designs. In this example, we create boards to go around columns for a safe working platform.

Creating a Trash/Rubbish Chute Using Building Objects

In today's video we will show you how to createTrash/Rubbish Chute Using Building Objects within Avontus Designer.

Creating a Fall Prevention Safety Net in Avontus Designer

This week's video shows how to create a fall prevention safety net using Building Objects.

Creating a Tube and Clamp / Tube and Fitting Buttress

In this video, we will demonstrate a step-by-step process for creating a tube and clamp (tube and fitting) buttress from scratch using building objects in Avontus Designer.

Creating a Steel Ladder Beam with Building Objects

In this video, we'll demonstrate how to create a steel ladder beam using building objects.

Creating SG4 handrails on non-boarded lifts within Avontus Designer.

In this video, we’ll demonstrate how to comply with the SG4 handrail requirement on non-boarded lifts as more regulations regarding erecting system scaffolding are released.

Rotating the X and Y position of a building object in Avontus Designer

In this video we will teach you how to rotate the X and Y positions of a building object. This is helpful when you have a ramp, roof, or other angled structure.

Creating a Stencil File for your Building Objects within Avontus Designer

In this video, we will demonstrate within Avontus Designer how to create a stencil folder for your building objects. This will enable you to organize your components for a better workflow within any drawing design, transfer them to a new computer, or share them with a colleague.

Creating a 6 ft Tube with Building Objects in Avontus Designer

In this video we’ll show you can create any shape (called building objects), include them in the bill of materials, and drop them into the stencil to be re-used any time.

Creating a Wooden Board with Building Objects in Avontus Designer

In this video, we show you how to create any shape (called a building object), include it in the bill of materials, and drop it into the stencil to be re-used at any time.

Scaling a PDF drawing in Avontus Designer

In this video, we’ll show you how to insert a PDF on your drawing page and scale it to match the drawing units. From here you to easily trace the structure with walls and other shapes, simplifying the steps to get your scaffold drawing completed.

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