Quantify Help Videos
  • 19 Mar 2024
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Quantify Help Videos

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Article summary

Welcome to the Quantify Help Videos section. Here you will find how-to videos that answer some of the most commonly asked questions about Quantify. Check back later to find new videos and updates. 


01. Product Catalog

Explaining how to use the Product Catalog, including how to add parts to the Product Catalog

02. Consumables Catalog

Explaining how to use the Consumables Catalog, including how to add parts to the Consumables  Catalog

03. Additional Charges

Using and Adding Additional Charges

04. Recurring Charges

Using and Adding Recurring Charge

05. Organisation Tree

Explaining how to use the Organisation Tree, including adding new Sites, Laydown Yards and Branch Offices

06. Customers

Explaining how to add, edit, and use customers.

07. Vendors

Explaining how to add, edit, and use vendors.

08. Users

Explaining how to add and edit users.

Job Sites
09. Add Job Site

Adding a Job Site

10. Sending Shipments

Sending a Shipment containing materials.

11. Reservations

Reserving a Shipment containing materials to be sent to a later date

12. Pre-Returns

Creating Pre-Return shipments to receive at a later date

13. Service Tickets

Creating and working with Service Tickets.

14. Out of Service

Moving parts to the Out of Service section.

15. Returning a Shipment

Returning materials on a Shipment.

16. Tagging Job Site

Creating Scaffold Tagging Job Sites.

17. Shipments

Creating and sending Shipments to a Tagging Job Site.

18. Lists

Adding and using Lists for Scaffold Tracking Job Sites

19. Activities

Creating Activities for a Tagging Job Site.

20. Access Points

Creating and using Access Points.

21. Inspections

Creating and using inspections.

22. Available Transactions

Creating Available Transactions.
23. Consumables TransactionsCreating consumable transactions to purchase consumables
24. Re-Rent

Re-Renting equipment to a Job Site

25. Rental Rates

Creating and applying Rental Rates

26. First Advance then Arrears

Creating a First Advance, then Arrears billing plan

27. Arrears

Creating an Arrears billing plan

28. Advanced Billing

Creating an Advanced Billing

29 Reset Billing

Resetting your billing plan

30 New Estimates

Creating New Estimates for a Branch Office

31. Sell Estimates

Creating Sell Estimates for a Branch Office

32. Job Site Estimates

Creating Job Site Estimates

33. Importing Estimates

Importing parts for an Estimate

Additional Videos
ForecastingExplaining how to use Forecasting
Multi-EditEditing multiple Scaffolds
Rental Period AdjustmentsExplaining how to use Rental Period Adjustments
Stop RentExplaining how to set a Stop Rent end date.

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