Adjusting the Height of a Stair Tower
  • 27 Jul 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Adjusting the Height of a Stair Tower

  • Dark

Article summary

Before you begin, you need to ensure you have the correct materials to complete the following steps. This guide will be designed with that in mind as I have imported the correct materials into Avontus Designer

  1. Select the Structures tab, and drag in a StairTower
  2. In the Scaffold Stair Tower screen, leave the 10-leg Stair Tower selected and select the Stairway Material to use.
  3. Click OK
  4. Select the Structures tab, and drag in another StairTower
  5. In the Scaffold Stair Tower screen, leave the 10-leg Stair Tower select the Stairway Material to use
  6. Set the Number of levels to 1 and click OK
  7. Click the lower stair bay of the largest StairTower and remove the stairs for Level 0
  8. Remove all bays from the smaller StairTower except the bottom bay
  9. Next for each bay in the larger StairTower, change the node level to 2 in the Bay Level Editor for the lowest level (0)

    Note: Remember to click the tick button
    Your model should look like this
  10. Click on the single stair
  11. In the Bay Level Editor, remove the left ledger for level 1
  12. Click on the lower ledger of the larger StairTower
  13. In the Bay Level Editor, remove the left ledger on Level 1
  14. Click the tick icon
  15. Remove the bottom ledger from the left bay on level 1
  16. Click the tick icon

    This will create a walkway where the stair will be placed
  17. Place the single stair on the larger stairway.

    The model should look like this

    The next thing to do is to add a plank-only bay
  18. Click the Scaffold tab and drag in a new Bay
  19. Click on the Bay, and in the Bay Level Editor, remove the Top Level

    Next change the dimensions of the bay
  20. Select the Bay and in the toolbar select the TB drop-down
  21. Select the correct measurements
  22. Select the Bay and in the toolbar click the LR drop-down
  23. Select the correct measurements. This should be the same as the StairTower Bay|
  24. Change the Bay into a Plank Only Bay
  25. Drag the plank only bay onto the Stairtower

    Your model will look like this

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