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Creating a Product History Pivot Report
The Product History pivot report provides location-based, historical information of inventory daily balances at Job Sites. If updated regularly, this report provides accurate balances based upon the date the calculations were generated. Unlike other reports that display balances and information based upon current levels in Quantify, the Product History Pivot calculates daily location balances based on Shipment delivery and Return actual dates. Quantify saves report results to the database. They reflect a snapshot of inventory levels that can be used for future reporting.
Before using this report, you must configure each Job Site that must be included in this report, editing Job Site product history settings. For more information, refer to Including a Job Site in the Product History Pivot below.
Before you begin, you will need to include the relevant locations in the Product History Pivot Report in the General Tab of the Job Site
Including a Job Site in the Product History Pivot
The Product History pivot report only displays inventory balance information for locations configured to be included in the report. This enables you to exclude any locations that may be restricted for internal use or may be managed differently, or to isolate the report to just a few locations.
Product History data is based on Shipment delivery and Return actual dates.
To include a Job Site or Group in the Product History pivot:
Locate the appropriate Job Site and click the Edit Selected Item button.
You can also double-click
Click the Include this location in product history pivot checkbox, to put a check in it.
Click the Rate profile to use dropdown and select the appropriate Rate Profile.
This can be the same Rate Profile the Job Site uses for billing or a different Rate Profile. Quantify uses the selected Rate Profile for reporting the job cost and rent within the Product History pivot report.
Click OK.
To create a Product History pivot:
Locate and click the appropriate location.
Note: You can view this report for both individual and multiple Job Sites. To view a Product History pivot for multiple Job Sites, click a location (such as a Branch Office).
Click the Product history pivot for selected location button.
The Product History dialog appears.
Initially, this report does not contain any data. Monthly calculations must be generated, then balances and other information may be queried based on the date range entered.To calculate monthly data, click the Add button (
The Calculate Product History for Month dialog appears.
Quantify saves product history by the month/year of the information.Important: Calculations must be performed chronologically. Begin calculating product history at the first month shipment history begins.
Click the calendar icon (
A calendar appears.
Locate and click any day within the starting month for calculations.
Click in the Months to calculate field and enter the number of months to be calculated, including the starting month.
For example, if you enter the date June 15, 2018 with months to calculate of 3, Quantify calculates history for June, July and August.Warning: Quantify will not include any shipment data created after product history is calculated in the report.
Click Calculate.
The Product History dialog returns, displaying the months calculated in the column on the left.
You are now ready to run the report for any dates that occur within the calculated months.Click the Start calendar icon.
A calendar appears.Locate and click the start date for the report.
Click the End calendar icon.
A calendar appears.Locate and click the end date for the report.
Click Refresh.
Quantify generates the relevant information and displays it.
For information about customizing this report and saving layouts, refer to Creating and Managing Pivot Reports.
Recalculating a Product History
Calculated Product History represents a snapshot of product history for the month at the time the month was calculated. Quantify will not include any Shipments created after a month is calculated (such as Returns), even if dated within the calculated month. Therefore, if you notice certain records that you want to include in a report are not being included, you may need to recalculate certain months.
When recalculating Product History, all location product history calculations will be recalculated.
Be aware that product history calculating is chronological. For example, in a case where product history has been calculated through August, 2018 and shipment Returns were entered that affect inventory balances in July, both July and August must be recalculated.
To recalculate Product History:
Click any location, then click Product History Pivot for Selected Location.
The Product History dialog appears.Click the month to be recalculated.
Click the Delete button (
Click Yes and repeat for any additional months that may be affected or you wish to recalculate.
You are now ready to recalculate for the deleted months.Click the Add button
Click the calendar icon (
A calendar appears.
Locate and click any day within the starting month for calculations.
Click in the Months to calculate field and enter the number of months to be calculated, including the starting month.
For example, if you enter the date June 15, 2018 with months to calculate of 3, Quantify calculates history for June, July and August.Warning: Quantify will not include any shipment data created after product history is calculated in the report.
Click Calculate.
The Product History dialog returns, displaying the months calculated in the column on the left.
You are now ready to run the report for any dates that occur within the calculated months.Click the Start calendar icon.
A calendar appears.Locate and click the start date for the report.
Click the End calendar icon.
A calendar appears.Locate and click the end date for the report.
Click Refresh.