Editing an Invoice
- 20 Jul 2023
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Editing an Invoice
- Updated on 20 Jul 2023
- 1 Minute to read
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Quantify enables you to edit Invoices to change the Invoice date, change the discount, add Additional Charges, change tax charges and edit the notes.
To edit an Invoice:
- Click the Invoice tab, select the appropriate Invoice then click the Edit Invoice button (
The Invoice dialog appears. - As necessary, click the Invoice Date calendar button (
A calendar appears. - Locate and click the appropriate date.
- Click in the Discount (%) text field and enter a new discount.
- Edit Additional Charges:
As necessary:- Locate the appropriate item, click its cell in the Description column and change the description.
- Locate the appropriate item, click its cell in the Price/Unit column and change the price/unit.
- Locate the appropriate item, click its cell in the No. Units column and change the number of units.
- Locate the appropriate item, click its cell in the Taxable column and click its checkbox.
- Click in the Notes text field and enter/change the notes.
- Click the Charge Tax on Rent checkbox.
- Click the first Tax dropdown and select the appropriate tax.
- Click OK.
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