Navigating Through 3D
- 01 Aug 2023
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- DarkLight
Navigating Through 3D
- Updated on 01 Aug 2023
- 1 Minute to read
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- DarkLight
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Avontus Viewer enables you to use your mobile device to move through your models in three dimensions without the need for the Avontus Viewer cardboard.
To navigate through a Avontus Viewer model in 3D:
- Log in to Avontus Viewer.
Avontus Viewer displays the list of models available to you. - Locate and tap the drawing you want to view.
Avontus Viewer displays the 3D View screen. - Tap 3D.
Avontus Viewer displays the model in 3D.
Avontus Viewer models displayed in 3D have three navigation controls: a right joy stick, a left joy stick and up and down arrows.
- As necessary:
- Tap and drag the right joystick to look around (up, down, right and left).
- Tap and drag the left joystick to move into and out of the model and move right and left.
- Press the up and down arrows to move straight up and straight down.
To facilitate moving in a model, you can tap any where on the screen to control the joysticks.
If you let Avontus Viewer remain idle, the controls will disappear. To get them back again, tap anywhere in the model.
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