Watching a Request/Scaffold or Activity
  • 28 Oct 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Watching a Request/Scaffold or Activity

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Article summary

Users can "watch" a request or scaffold which allows them to receive notifications whenever a change is made on the scaffold. A change could be a Request or Scaffold moving from one status to another or another user updating the details, such as who the Request or Scaffold is assigned to.

Watch Items

  1. Using the Map or Request or Scaffold screen, navigate to the scaffold or request you wish to "watch".

  2. Click on the request or scaffold and on the right, click the eye icon.

  3. Select either Watch all Changes or Watch Status Changes only.

    You will receive notifications for all changes, including status changes, or just status changes.  These can be viewed in the Notifications screen.

    Note: For more information on using Notifications, go to the Notifications section.

Unwatch Items

To unwatch items

  1. From the Map screen, go to the Request or Scaffold pin on the map
    Note: You can access the Request or Scaffold from the Request or Scaffold screen respectively, If you want to un-watch an Activity, go to the Activity screen.

  2. Click the eye icon, and select Stop Watching

    You will no longer get updates from this item.

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