Watching a Scaffold (IOS)
  • 23 Dec 2024
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Watching a Scaffold (IOS)

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Article summary

"Watching" a Scaffold allows the user to be updated whenever a change is made to the Scaffold. This could be a change to the Scaffold's details or its status. You can see any notifications on the Notifications screen.

To do this:

  1. On the Map screen, tap the Scaffold you wish to watch

  2. Tap the Scaffold Details area

    Note: You can also access the Scaffold details by tapping on the Scaffold in the Scaffolds screen


  3. In the Scaffold screen, tap the three dots in the top-right

  4. Tap either Watch All Changes  to watch all changes including status changes or Watch Status Changes to watch only status changes.

    Note: Tap the selected option to no longer watch the selected Scaffold.


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