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Rate Profiles are active and available to be applied to Job Sites and Estimates when the Active checkbox is checked.
Text entered into the Label for rent header text field changes the label for the rent header column everywhere this header appears.
Billing Days
Use the Billing Days section of the Rate Profile dialog to determine the days of the week that should be counted as billing days. If any day(s) should not be counted, click the appropriate checbox(es) to remove the check.
In billing method scenarios that include a minimum rental billing period, Quantify counts all days until the initial minimum day period has expired. Subsequent billing cycles will not count the non-billing days.
Rate Profile Grid
The Rate Profile grid displays information for each product that will be used for rental billing, sell prices and replacement costs.
Note: When using delivery charges and return credits, the grid will include columns for these rates. You can use various calculators and adjustment features here.
The Category drop down defaults to (all categories) and displays items in all available categories. The dropdown can be used to restrict the display to items associated within a certain category.
Once you choose an item from the dropdown, the Rate Profile grid refreshes and only lists items in the selected category.
The Showing: filter defaults to Showing: Items with rate. To show all items in the Product Catalog, click the dropdown and select All .
Use the Filter text field to limit the grid to display only items that contain characters you enter.
Rent Adjustments
Rent Adjustments are created in Rate Profiles and then applied to the appropriate Products in the Rate Profile.
For more information, refer to Working with Rent Adjustments.
Rental Days
The Rental Days text field displays the number of days used by the Rate Profile to calculate rent. In the example below, the rates shown in the 28 Day Rate column are based on a 28 day period.
Rate Profile descriptions can be entered into the Description text field. If the Copy description to invoice notes when invoices are created checkbox is checked, the text entered here will display on invoices.
Editing Multiple Parts
You can edit multiple parts in three ways
1. Hold Ctrl and select the parts you want
2. Hold Shift and select two parts to select all parts in-between the two select parts.
3. Click in the top-left of the table
You can also see this in action below.