About the Global Options Dialog Reports Tab
  • 21 Jul 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read
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About the Global Options Dialog Reports Tab

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Article summary

The Reports tab enables you to determine how your reports, estimates, invoices, etc. look and what kinds of information they contain, including::

  • Adding a logo to your reports
  • Configuring footer text, creation date/time, signature details, billing period, etc. 
  • Controlling the size and appearance of invoices, estimates, pick tickets and shipments

For more details, refer to the sections below.

Logo to Use on Reports Section

Use the information in this section to help you manage the images that appears in Quantify reports.

Portable networks graphics file (.png) 225x95 pixelsThis text shows what type of file a logo image must be (.png) and its dimensions (225x95 pixels).


Click this button to add an image to Quantify reports.


Click this button to view the image that appears in Quantify reports.


Click this button to save the image that appears in Quantify reports onto your computer.


Click this button to delete the image that appears in Quantify reports.
Name text fieldThis text field displays the name of the current logo file.
PreviewThis area displays the current logo image,

All Reports Section

The properties defined in this section determine some characteristics of the reports that Quantify produces. 

PapersizeUse this dropdown to determine what size Quantify reports appear and print in.
Text in footerUse this text field to add copy that appears in the footers of Quantify Reports.
Show date/time createdWhen this checkbox is checked, Quantify adds report creation date and time to reports it generates.
Display standard signature details on estimates, shipments, and transactions.

When this checkbox is checked, Quantify adds Received By signature lines to Estimates, Shipments and Transactions.

Invoice & Estimate Section

Use the information in this section to help you determine which boilerplate text (if any) appears on printed invoices and estimates. You can also ensure that invoices for jobs using the Arrears and First Advance then Arrears billing methods contain the Job Site billing cycle.

Label for return addressUse this text field to configure the label above the return address that you want to appear on invoices and estimates. For example: Send Payment To:  .
Label for additional chargesUse this text field to configure the label above the Additional Charges section on invoices and estimates. For example: Non-Rental Items:  .
Invoice title in reportsUse this text field to configure the name of invoices in Quantify Reports. For example: Invoice .
Notes on invoiceThis text field displays any notes that appear on all invoices.

Add Notes  

Click this button to add notes that appear on all invoices. When you do, the Notes dialog appears, enabling you to enter and edit notes.

My Company's nameUse this text field to configure the company name that you want to appear on invoices and estimates.
Label for rental itemsUse this text field to configure the label above the Rental Items section on invoices and estimates. For example: Rental Items  .
Label for unsaved invoicesUse this text field to configure the watermark for unsaved invoices.  For example: DRAFT  .
Estimate and sell trans. termsThis text field displays any terms that appear on all estimates and sell transactions.

Add Terms  

Click this button to add terms that appear on all estimates and sell transactions. When you do, the Notes dialog appears, enabling you to enter and edit terms.

Display invoice no. in footer (overwrites text in footer specified in all reports)When this checkbox is checked, Quantify displays the invoice number in the footer of each invoice.  
Display signature details on invoice

When this checkbox is checked, Quantify adds signature lines to invoices.

Display billing period on invoice (arrears and first advance then arrears only)When this checkbox is checked, Quantify displays the billing period in each Arrears and First Advance then Arrears invoice.
Display job site shipping address on invoiceWhen this checkbox is checked, Quantify displays the job site shipping address in each invoice.
Display area on Summary Landscape invoiceWhen this checkbox is checked, Quantify adds two columns (Area and Total Area) to the Rental Items section of invoices.

Shipments Section

Use the information in this section to help you determine whether some specific elements appear on shipment-related documents: Shipment Reports, Pick Tickets, etc.

Display signature details for delivery driver to sign

When this checkbox is checked, Quantify displays a Delivered by signature line in Shipment reports and pick tickets (not pivot reports).

Show additional charges on shipment reportsWhen this checkbox is checked, Quantify adds additional charges items to Shipment Reports.
Show additional charge prices on shipment reportsWhen this checkbox is checked, Quantify adds additional charges prices to Shipment Reports.
Show group of 3 signatures on pick tickets

By default, Quantify displays one signature line when it displays and prints a pick ticket. 

When this checkbox is checked, Quantify displays that line plus three new signature lines : Prepared by, Delivered by and Received by.

Display on pick ticketsThis text field displays any notes that appear on all pick tickets.

Add Pick Ticket Notes  

Click this button to add notes that appear on all pick tickets. When you do, the Notes dialog appears, enabling you to enter and edit notes.

Display on all shipmentsThis text field displays any terms that appear on all shipments.

Add Shipment Notes  

Click this button to add notes that appear on all shipments. When you do, the Notes dialog appears, enabling you to enter and edit notes.

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