Creating the Database
  • 09 Oct 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Creating the Database

  • Dark

Article summary

Creating the Database.

1. Select a Database or click Create Database.

2. Enter a name and click Create.

3. Open your .bacpac file.

If you are part of a new Quantify implementation, the Avontus Implementation team will provide you with the bacpac file for this step. 

If you are migrating an existing Quantify database to a new server utilizing QuAD, you can use a bacpac file of your own database for this step. Instructions on how to create a bacpac file of your database can be found in Using Quantify's Database (DB) Tools to Back Up a Database.

4. When done, click OK.

5. Select Update Activation Code.

Note: Avontus will provide you with an Activation code.

6. Enter the activation code and click OK.

7. Click Next.

The final task is to Publish Binaries.

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