Performing a Handover (Android)
  • 04 Oct 2023
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Performing a Handover (Android)

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Article summary

When a scaffold has been erected, it may need to undergo a Handover. Handovers are an agreement between the foreman/builder and the end-user (requestor or craft representative) that the scaffold is built to serve its intended purpose, is safe, and is ready for use. At the time of the Handover both the scaffold and scaffold end-user representatives should be present to discuss any issues.

A Scaffold can be placed in the Awaiting Handover following the completion of a build

You can also request a Scaffold be handed over manually.

In this example, we will show both instances from both the Map Screen and the Scaffold Screen.

Note: If the Scaffold is undergoing a handover following a Build, Repair or Modification skip to step 6

From the Map Screen:

  1. Select the Scaffold to be handed over
  2. Tap Standing
  3. Tap Needs Handover
  4. Click Yes, Change Status

    The Scaffold status will change to Awaiting Handover
  5. Top perform the handover, tap the Scaffold and then Awaiting Handover
  6. Select Handover Scaffold
  7. Complete the Handover Form
    Note: The Red  indicates that this is a mandatory field
    • The Handover Result
    • A comment (but only if the result was a fail)
    • A signature from both the Scaffold Representative and the recipient
    • Complete required Handover Questions
  8. Tap the tick icon
    The Scaffold status will change to Standing.

To Handover a Scaffold on the Scaffolds Screen
Note: If the Scaffold is undergoing a handover following a Build, Repair or Modification skip to step 6

  1. Go to the Scaffold screen and select the scaffold to be handed over (it will be in the Standing status).
  2. In the Scaffold Details screen, tap the status indicator.
  3. Select Handover.
  4. Select Yes, Change Status to change the status from Standing to Awaiting Handover.

  5. Add a comment and tap the tick icon.

    The status of the scaffold will change to Awaiting Handover.
  6. Tap the scaffold undergoing a Handover.
  7. In the Scaffold Details, tap the status indicator (it will say Awaiting Handover).
  8. Tap Handover Scaffold.

  9. Complete the form
    Note: The Red  indicates that this is a mandatory field
    This includes:
    • The Handover Result
    • A comment
    • A signature from both the Scaffold Representative and the recipient
    • Complete required Handover Questions
  10. Tap the tick icon

    The Scaffold status will change to Standing.

    If you reject a Handover, the scaffold will change status to Awaiting Repair. For more information, visit the Repairing a Scaffold guide.
    You can find the successfully passed Handover in the Handovers tab.

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