Setting Scaffold Bay Global Options
  • 04 Feb 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Setting Scaffold Bay Global Options

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Article summary

The Scaffold Bays interface of the Global Options dialog enables you to set the dimensions and scaffold materials Avontus Designer will use when you create new Bays. This section will also allow you to set the bearer threshold and the material used below and above the specified threshold. This will allow you to enable Load-bearing side overrides for structural integrity.

To set default Scaffold Bay options:

  1. As necessary, click the Scaffold Bays tab in the Global Options dialog.
    The Global Options dialog refreshes, displaying the means for configuring default Scaffold Bay options.

  2. Select the Scaffold system. You can select from

    • Cup-type

    • Ring-type

    • Kwikstage
      Selecting Cup-type, Ring-type or Kwikstage allows you to apply the global options to those drawing types separately. So, any changes made to Kwikstage will only apply to Kwikstage drawings.
      Default applies settings to all systems. Click Default Settings to apply the settings to all systems.
      You can click Reset Above to Default Values to set individual scaffold systems to match the default settings

  3. Configure the default characteristics for the top and bottom and Left and Right sides of bays added to drawings.

    1. Click in the Size text field and enter the length of the top and bottom sides of scaffolds added to drawings.

    2. Click the Material Type dropdown and select the default material type for the top and bottom sides of scaffolds added to drawings.

    3. Click in the Size text field and enter the length of the left and right sides of bays added to drawings.

    4. Click the Material Type dropdown and select the default material type for the top and bottom sides of bays added to drawings.

  4. Click in the Bracket/cantilever size text field and enter the default size of the side brackets/cantilevers added to drawings.

    Next, specify the Load-bearing sides. This is where you can set the bearing threshold and specify the materials used on which the Scaffold will rest.

  5. Specify where you wish to (check to enable):

    1. Enable load-bearing side overrides

    2. Whether they will affect planked Levels only


  6. Specify the Bearer material for when the scaffold is below the specified threshold

  7. Specify the Bearer threshold

  8. Specify the Bearer material when at or above the specified threshold

  9. If you are done, click OK.
    If not, click Apply and then the next appropriate tab.


    Note: You can click Reset Above to Default Values to return the settings to their default values.


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