Working with Invoices
  • 26 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Working with Invoices

  • Dark

Article summary

Invoices are created through the Invoices tab.  When Quantify creates invoicing for a Job Site, the invoice will include all of the following, if due: rent, recurring charges, additional charges, Out of Service fees (refer to Working with Out of Service Items), Service Tickets (refer to Working with Servicing), Consumables (refer to Working with Consumables), and sales from Transactions.

The invoices grid is focus sensitive, displaying existing invoices based on focus in the Organization Tree.

For example, when Berkeley Training Job Site is selected in the Organization Tree, the Invoices grid displays all existing invoices for the Berkeley Training Job Site. When focus is moved to the parent Branch Office, the Invoices grid displays the existing invoices for all child locations (Job Sites) of the Branch Office.

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