Adding an Attachment to a Scaffold (Android)
  • 15 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Adding an Attachment to a Scaffold (Android)

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Article summary

You can add an attachment to a Scaffold. This could be an image of the scaffold or any drawing planes.

To add an attachment to a request or scaffold

  1. Go to the Scaffolds screen.
  2. Locate the scaffold you are looking for via its ID or any other known details.
  3. Tap the scaffold to open.
  4. In the  Scaffold Details screen, scroll down to the Attachment section and tap the Attachment section.
  5. In the Attachments screen, tap + in the top-right.
  6. Select to specify whether you wish to take a photo or choose a photo from your library.

    1. Take a photo or locate a file and tap OK.
    2. Browse and select your image
  7. Specify the attachment name and tap Submit.

    The attachment will be uploaded to the Scaffold.

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