Installing and Launching Avontus Designer
  • 12 Feb 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Installing and Launching Avontus Designer

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Article summary

Installation takes only a few minutes. Use the links below to download the Microsoft Visio 2019 and Avontus Designer installers:

64-bit Microsoft Visio 2019

64-bit Avontus Designer


Installing Microsoft Visio 2019

First, after downloading the installation file above, install Microsoft Visio 2019:

  1. Navigate to the location of the Visio 2019 installation file:

  2. The Visio installer dialog appears.
    The download begins
    The installer installs Visio 2019.
    The installer informs you when the installation is complete.

  3. Click Close.

Activating Visio

You can Activate Visio straight after the installation.  If not, you can change the Product Key in the Account section. To do this

  1. In Visio, select Account

  2. Select Change Product Key

  3. Enter your Product Key

  4. Click Activate Office

Installing Avontus Designer

To install Avontus Designer:

  1. Double-click the Avontus Designer installation file that was previously downloaded.

  2. Click the I accept the terms in the license agreement checkbox

  3. Click Install.
    The installation will begin

  4. Click Run or Finish

Next, you will need to activate Avontus Designer, please see Activating Avontus Designer for more information.

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