Working with Organizations and Locations
  • 30 Aug 2023
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Working with Organizations and Locations

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Article summary

Quantify provides locations with which you can hierarchically organize your business. Everything you need can be represented in Quantify, from the corporate structure down to individual job sites. The list below shows the icon that represents each location and provides a description of each location.


Corporate Structure

The Corporate Structure is a primary organizational location in Quantify. This location helps organize company reports, enabling you to run one report for the entire organization or for a specific region.  Each Quantify installation has at least one top-level Corporate Structure, under which all other locations are created. You can create as many Corporate Structures as necessary under it. You can only create Branch Offices under a Corporate Structure. The number of Branch Offices you can create is limited by your license. 

Branch Offices 

A Branch Office is a main location for a company, a region, an area, etc. Being the main stocking, maintenance and shipment/delivery locations for a company, they are the company’s main hubs of activity. These locations manage unused inventory (such as Available Products and Reserved items) and handle the invoicing of customers.

Branch Offices are also the places where off-rent and/or damaged materials tend to be stored and shipped to/from. Each Branch Office has options to turn on tracking of Consumables, parts To Be Serviced and parts that are Out of Service.

  • Tracking Consumables helps you track consumable inventory.
  • Tracking To Be Serviced helps you track all maintenance on equipment through the use of service tickets.
  • Tracking Out of Service helps you segregate damaged material and track lost material.

You can generate reports for a Branch Office and all its sub-locations.

Quantify requires at least one Branch Office location. However, Branch Office locations are tied to licensing. They cannot exceed the number of locations licensed and require additional licenses prior to adding to your Quantify database. To purchase additional licenses, contact

For information about features and options for the different stocking locations, refer to Comparison of Branch Office, Sub-Branch and Staging Area.

Sub-Branch Offices 

Sub-Branch Offices are stocking locations that manage unused inventory, such as available products and reserved items. They have all of the functionality of a Branch Office. However, the Sub-Branch Office is a child location of a Branch Office, making them very useful for organizing the corporate structure of a company.  

Sub-Branch Offices are tied to licensing. The number of Sub-Branch Offices cannot exceed the number of locations licensed and requires additional licenses prior to adding to your Quantify database. To purchase additional licenses, contact

For information about features and options for the different stocking locations, refer to Comparison of Branch Office, Sub-Branch and Staging Area.

Staging Area 

A Staging Area is a basic holding area for off-rent materials, but without the more advanced functionality of a Branch Office. They are unlicensed stocking locations that you can add under a Branch Office or a Sub-Branch Office. Staging Areas do not support consumable inventory, or the to be serviced or out of service features. There are no limits on how many Staging Area locations you can create. However, you can convert Staging Areas into Sub-Branch Offices if you have adequate licenses. To purchase additional licenses for your database, contact 

You can move stock in and out of Staging Areas with standard Deliveries, Returns and Transfers.  You cannot adjust inventory at Staging Areas with the Adjust Quantities button.

To be used, the Staging Area feature must be enabled globally. Refer to the General tab in the Global Options dialog.

For complete details about the available features and options for Staging Areas, refer to Comparison of Branch Office, Sub-Branch and Staging Area.

Regular Job Site 

A Regular Job Site is the primary location for on-rent materials and the location from which rent invoices are created. They help you keep track of the shipments, materials and billing associated with a specific job. There is no limit on the number of Regular Job Sites that can be used in a database. 

Scaffold Tracking Job Site

Scaffold Tracking Job Sites include the basic features and controls of a Regular Job Site, plus the ability to add individual scaffolds. They enable you to track scaffolds (Registers or Tags) under one job site, each with a separate materials list per scaffold and management options. Shipments are made to Scaffolds, instead of shipping to the Job Site. Individual scaffolds can include custom detailed information.

To enable Scaffold features, scaffold tracking must be enabled in the Shipments and Scaffolds tab of the Global Options dialog

For more information about features like Activities and Inspections, refer to Working with Scaffold Activities and Working with Scaffold Inspections.

Scaffold Tracking features vary based upon your company's Quantify license and enabled features.


A Group is a job site underneath a parent Job Site. It has all of the same features, functions and options as the parent Job Site, the only difference being that it is a child location of a Job Site. This is primarily used for organizational or billing purposes.

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